Infill Housing Conservation Project at 5- 6 Shandon St and John Philpot Curran St, Cork City
Status: Complete
James Bourke Architects were appointed as Project and Conservation Architects for the renovation of two derelict early 18th century gable -fronted houses on the corner of Shandon St and John Philpott Curran St and the infill of a corner site on the corner of John Philpott Curran St and Cathedral to provide a total of 9 sheltered housing apartments. The project objective was to transform the identity of a urban block in the historic Shandon quarter of the City from dereliction to active, fully habitable, and energy efficient accommodation for use by elderly members of the local community.
The project has been widely welcomed and praised by ,amongst others, An Taisce and the local Shandon community including the Shandon Area Renewal Association. The project was funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage through the Social Housing Investment Programme ( SHIP). It was the recipient of a Chambers Ireland Excellence in Local Government award in the Heritage & Built Environment category in 2021.